Qui êtes-vous, Pizzicato Five?

Pizzicato Five was a Japanese band that originated in the 80s. The group soon gained worldwide popularity and helped to spread the shibuy-kei genre of Japanese pop – a mixture of jazz, pop and electropop- all over the world. They have created a vast amount of albums and singles and are greatly influenced by the 60s pop culture, music and fashion, which is evident in their music as well as image. After a number of changes in their original composure, the final synthesis of the group consisted of Nomiya Maki and Konishi Yasuharu. Their last album was entitled “Çà et là du Japon” and it was released in 2001, the year the group split up.


  1. mon amour Tokyo / romantique 96
    darlin' of discotheque / 20th century girl
    music for sofa / playboy playgirl
    porno 3003 / galaxy one
    bossa nova 2001 / icecream metin’ mellow
    nonstop to Tokyo / contact
    me. japanese

